Interested in Church Planting But…

Interested in Church Planting But…

By Tim O’Neill


Interested in planting a church but don’t know whether it’s really for you or next steps about how to go about it?

Well, you’re not alone. Many people asking these questions don’t know where
they can turn to get help, or what resources are available to help them on their way.

Having been involved in church planting since I first planted a church 25 years ago, a bunch of us have pooled our experiences and resources to help people interested in church planting, work out whether it’s a good fit for them and what the next steps might be to successfully plant a church that not only reaches people but helps to make disciples like Jesus asked us to.
If you want more information, contact me at and we can start talking about possible next steps.

Below I’ve provided a brief overview of how we can help prospective church planters:

ESA – Eligibility and Suitability Assessment
Whether a person is suitably wired to be a church planter is critical to their chances of success. Whether they are eligible in terms of ministry experience and character is equally important.

We have developed an assessment process that explores a candidates suitability and eligibility to be a lead church planter. The process will also help to ascertain whether the call to plant you may feel is best expressed as the plant team leader or a team member.

The assessment process may also point to the fact that you could do with some more ministry leadership development or foundational theological education. We can assist in both of these areas either through our Ministry Foundations course (or recommend others to you) or the Emerging Leaders Initiative (ELI) which is an excellent two-year ministry leadership development pathway we have developed and use.

Boot Camp
The next step for leaders and possible teams is to attend a 4-day boot camp where we will equip you to plant a church as well as unpack key issues and strategies relating to planting. We will also help you to understand what the healthy missional church you plant may look like.
There are many different types of church, just as their are many different kinds of planters and many different contexts to plant in. But there are also some key biblical principles that a healthy church should have in place, irrespective of the model of church that is planted.
We will explore these principles in the Boot Camp and help you begin the planning process to get there.

Resource Bank
We are developing a Resource Bank filled with tools, training and helpful resources that will be available for you and your team. Why invent the wheel when you can take and modify resources that are already available?

Financial Kick Start
Having a robust financial strategy in place is critical. Some of the financial resources can be gathered from the planting team, but there are also grants available for qualifying church plants from a number of sources that are able to provide a kick start. We will help you source grants to give your church the financial kick start it needs.

Ongoing Coaching
Ongoing coaching is absolutely essential and it’s something we would insist upon if we were to help you to plant a church. We would normally expect the ongoing coaching to extend over two years. The coaching covers 5 key areas starting with Personal Coaching which picks up on the findings from the ESA Assessments.

Planning assistance is provided as part of the ongoing coaching as we help you to plan what your church plant will look like and how to go about it, as well as developing a written Planting Proposal.

Coaching will assist with navigating the Practicalities you will face. This will include issues like your legal structure, insurances, working with children and vulnerable people policies, ACNC registration and many other practical issues.

Pre Launch Coaching will help you to develop a launch strategy, develop your launch team and bring shape to your future church.

After the church has been planted, Post Launch coaching will help to navigate the issues you encounter as you lead and grow your church.

Next Steps
So that’s a brief overview of how we can help de-mystify church planting. If you are interested in church planting, we can help you unpack whether or not you are wired to be a church planter and the next steps you can take to turn a vision and calling to plant a church into reality.

If you are interested in church planting but… contact me by emailing me at and we can explore whether church planting is for you and possible next steps.