About A2A
Our Mission is:
A2A is a relational network of churches united by a common call to multiply disciples, leaders and churches.
A2A is a relational network of churches who have come together committed to helping one another Love God and Love people.
As our home page indicates the church in Australia is in a Kairos moment.
We live in a time of VUCA, a time of volatility, uncertainty, crisis and ambiguity. As we indicated on the home page the crisis the church is facing is multifaceted:
Pandemic of fear and anxiety, hatred and violence throughout society as well as within Jesus’ church
The Churches credibility and witness before a watching world has been compromised. Our corporate inability to deliver our message in a meaningful way has been spotlighted.
The church is being forced to take a serious look at our understanding of God’s nature and his kingdom purposes in the world.
A fragile, unfaithful and ineffective understanding of the church has been exposed.
The church lacks clarity on the nature of Jesus and the centrality of his character and purpose in every dimension of its affairs.
Source: Metanoia, Alan Hirsch.
But in such times of crisis, great opportunity exists for those willing and able to adapt. A2A is committed to helping leaders and churches to adapt
As a relational network of churches we want to seize the Kairos moment.
We want to encourage one another to flourish.
The church was designed to transform the world.
- Jesus is Lord
- Discipleship happens
- Mission happens
- The gifts of the entire body of Christ are released (APEST)
- Systems are organic
- There is camaraderie and genuine love and support for one another (liminality-communitas) the church accelerates, multiplying itself, impacting and transforming the world.
Through the network we provide support for one another in the practical areas of:
- Marriage
- Coaching
- Governance
- Events
- Consulting
- Equipping
- Education
But our heart is for every church to be a church which multiplies itself. We are on this journey of helping one another multiply disciples, leaders and churches.
If you have landed here you are here because you are looking for something more than you currently have.
We may or may not be the answer to the search you are on. If you would like to have coffee and a relational chat please contact us.
Interested in joining a2a?
Some options available are:
12 months to try without obligation.
For 12 months you get to date A2A without formalising the relationship, You get access to all the services we provide and at the end of the 12 months you can decide to stay or continue your search.
You can also utilise some of our services even if you choose to belong to another movement.
- ELI – Emerging Leaders Initiative
- Church Planting processes
- Enhance evaluation
Whether you choose A2A or not we want to encourage you to seize the Kairos moment. The DNA God put into the church was the DNA required to transform the world. May all of our communities be shaped by God’s DNA for the Church in this Kairos moment.

“We know you want to lead your church to have a missional impact on your local community. Who wouldn’t want to lead a church like we find in the book of Acts?
I love the A2A mission of being a network of churches united by a common call to multiply disciples, leaders and churches.
What an adventure to create churches like this across our nation. We love stretching and stimulating leaders to innovate and follow their dreams and supporting and connecting with leaders.
If you share a dream like this we would love for you to become a part of A2A. Please contact us today to learn more.”
Tim O’Neill
President, A2A