We will be a network of churches that have the Great Commission; Jesus’ last command as our first priority.
Church Planting
Only 1% of Australian Churches are planting a new church per annum.
This is not enough!
We are a network which wants to take seriously the missional practice of being sent.
We want to encourage our churches to be churches that plant churches that plant churches.
This means being open to all kinds of expressions of church. Within A2A there is no one size fits all.
To help facilitate churches become church planting churches we:
- Encourage churches to engage with the Exponential tribe.
- Assist churches with the Assessment of potential church planters.
- Assist the sending church and the church planter with a road map.
- Assist in helping churches and church planters find the capital needed to kickstart.
- Provide ongoing coaching to both the sending church and the church plant.
Emerging Leaders Initiative
ELI is A2A’s Leadership Pipeline.
It is a 2-year immersion leadership experience, focusing on developing the heart, the soul and the will of a leader. It is warmly relational.
One of the nuggets of the ELI experience is the exposure of leaders to the breadth and beauty of the Australian church. The visit to different movements, regions and expressions of the church across the country changes and disrupts leaders narratives of the church.
Through the 2 year journey young leaders are encouraged to actively participate in the Kingdom of God, discovering and finding their place within it.

Eli is Ideal for:
- Young leaders who want to grow and explore the mission Jesus is calling them to.
- Church planters who want to plant pregnant.
- Church leaders who want to multiply leaders within their church.
Older potential leaders who want to be equipped to use their experience and wisdom in leading.
For more information about ELI or to enrol, contact Mark Ansell
Email: Mark@a2a.org.au
Phone: 0415 399 958
Each cohort will be exposed to:
- 4 immersion experiences a year.
- Leadership podcasts.
- Thought leadership.
- Monthly online gatherings.
- Different tribes, regions and expressions of church.
- Group coaching.
- Tools which increase self-awareness and self-knowledge (APEST, DISC, Strength Finder, Harrisons Assessments).
- Leaders.
- A tribe of learners.
Certificate in missional leadership
We are passionate about being disciples who will make disciples, leaders will raise leaders, and churches will plant more churches.
We have partnered with Asbury Theological Seminary to provide a certificate for our churches and networks that are keen to learn more and put what they learn into practice.
Certificate Overview
The Certificate in Missional Leadership will explore lessons from the Book of Acts, introduce key missiological and movement principles to course participants and equip them in these critical areas of multiplication ministry.
The Certificate in Missional Leadership will be through distance education and is a 10-month course.
The first cohort will commence in July 2024, with the next cohort starting in February 2025.
Cost $650 US.
To register, click the button below.
For more information or promotional material for your church, contact info@a2a.org.au.

Community Engagement
Part of being missional is the willingness to incarnationally stay in a local community.
We want to encourage the local communities to compassionately love and to be innovative when it comes to community engagement.

Here are some innovative ways our local churches are innovating.

Broadway in a week

Jude's Village