How to SOAP
Even today, the most significant way that God speaks to us is through the words of the bible. His words strengthen us, comfort us, guide us and allow us to learn more about and to grow in our relationship with Him. MOVE, A survey of spiritual health amongst 250,000 Christians from over 1,000 churches discovered that: […]
A2A Cultural Distinctives: Innovative Ministry
Innovative Ministry from Phillip Mutzelburg Whenever we articulate this very descriptive word “innovation” in connection with church work we are thinking of being a church that is ground breaking, advanced, or pioneering. This is our heritage, and something we should be proud of, and something we should determine to keep as distinctives in our churches. […]
7 Keys To Survive In Testing Times
How to survive in testing times is more than a big issue at the moment. It’s a massive issue for many causing great fear and anxiety. Here are 7 Keys To Survive In Testing Times that we hope will be of enormous help to you. I’ve lived through the stock market crash of…
Interested in Church Planting But…
By Tim O’Neill Interested in planting a church but don’t know whether it’s really for you or next steps about how to go about it? Well, you’re not alone. Many people asking these questions don’t know wherethey can turn to get help, or what resources are available to help them on their way. Having […]
How To Plant A Church That Reaches People
I’m wrapped that there is currently a resurgence of people around Australia asking how to plant a church that reaches people who don’t go to church. This is an incredibly exciting time with so many men and women both young and not so young wanting to explore new ways of doing church and to discover new […]