APEST Culture

How many people does God want to reach?

How many people is God willing to use to reach people who don’t know Him?

What would happen if all of God’s people – men and women and young people were equipped for the work of humbly proclaiming Jesus to a lost and hurting world?


“Even if every Christian in the world became an evangelist and they witnessed to everybody they know, and everyone they knew became Christians, and they themselves became evangelists, even after you had tremendous movement to Christ all over the world, there would still be over a billion people who had never even heard the name of Jesus. Why? Because they had no friends or neighbors to evangelize to them, to speak the Word of God to them.”

– Tim Tennent President Asbury Theological Seminary – Thom S. Rainer.

The whole body of Christ is Needed.

There has never been a greater need than right now for men and women to partner together in fulfilling the Great Commission.

At A2A we know we have to ignite the fire, gifts and talents of all God’s people if we want to see Australia reached for Jesus.

We want to see the full mobilisation of all the people of God for the work of his kingdom.  This means we want to see the full expression of the APEST:

  • Apostolic
  • Prophetic
  • Evangelist
  • Shepherding
  • Teacher


Our desire is to see the mobilisation of all the people of God for the work of His kingdom. This involves realising the full expression of the APEST giftings (Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic, Shepherding, and Teaching) to assist churches in deploying every member as a minister.